Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 102.478.210 (50.)
Tribe: JAMA3
Night bonus: Current: 00:00-08:00

Villages (633) Coordinates Points
0005 Just Having Some Fun
508|521 10.673
0008.6 Nakinator
578|457 10.689
0009 Just Having Some Fun
497|509 10.673
0009.9 Nakinator
580|457 10.689
410|544 10.716
405|544 10.725
001 Norway
399|558 10.763
0010 Just Having Some Fun
495|510 10.673
0010.0 Nakinator
579|456 10.689
0010.0 Nakinator
581|458 10.689
0010.6 Nakinator
581|457 10.689
0011.3 Nakinator
581|456 10.689
0011.4 Nakinator
580|455 10.689
0011.4 Nakinator
582|457 10.689
0012 Just Having Some Fun
496|514 10.673
0012.8 Nakinator
583|456 10.689
0013.3 Nakinator
576|451 10.560
0013.5 Nakinator
583|455 10.689
0014.1 Nakinator
583|454 10.668
0014.2 Nakinator
582|453 10.689
0014.9 Nakinator
578|450 10.009
0014.9 Nakinator
583|453 10.680
0015.0 Nakinator
582|452 10.689
0016 Just Having Some Fun
495|509 10.673
0018.0 Nakinator
579|447 10.731
0018.4 Nakinator
585|450 10.689
0019.8 Nakinator
588|451 10.668
002 Sweden
403|557 10.689
0023.0 Nakinator
596|464 10.681
408|543 10.187
0031 Just Having Some Fun
502|519 10.832
0033 Just Having Some Fun
506|522 10.673
407|540 10.689
0048 Just Having Some Fun
490|523 10.673
0049 Just Having Some Fun
489|524 10.673
005 Irmao pacifico
398|549 10.673
0051 | Autumn Leaf
371|573 10.737
0066.0 Sun Fried Bacon
588|453 10.535
0073 | Autumn Leaf
369|576 10.675
0074 | Autumn Leaf
372|576 11.612
0075 Just Having Some Fun
488|523 10.673
0075.7 Sun Fried Bacon
596|462 10.947
0081 | Autumn Leaf
371|574 11.856
0087 Just Having Some Fun
496|509 10.673
0088 East Dragon
622|519 10.673
0100 | Autumn Leaf
369|573 11.452
0104 | Autumn Leaf
371|575 11.880
406|547 10.870
406|539 10.841
406|538 10.827
402|542 11.087
035. Barbarian village
384|568 10.435
037. Barbarian village
386|572 9.612
0572 Madness
594|463 10.684
579|473 10.673
578|472 10.668
500|491 11.777
15 Choltok
577|474 10.689
28. JLvillage
580|462 10.703
30. Kackerlackan
581|464 10.685
494|513 10.558
494|511 10.691
37. No way man! 14 Lamborginis !
578|471 10.670
493|510 11.075
448 Nut Dragon
493|522 10.947
577|471 10.673
576|468 10.755
56.wiz 014
580|470 10.663
57 . Phoenix
576|469 10.672
375|580 11.779
368|581 10.801
368|583 10.667
369|583 11.276
371|584 10.927
68. Clear
582|466 10.689
69. Clear
581|467 10.904
70. Sabo
580|465 10.689
71. Jorge
582|465 11.063
98. DreamLand
581|466 10.689
394|550 10.681
397|558 10.749
398|558 10.744
399|559 10.744
397|565 10.689
Barb 0
404|556 10.609
Barb 3
400|552 10.545
Barb 4
401|553 10.763
Barb 5
399|551 10.655
Barb 6 .
400|553 10.947
Barb 7
401|555 10.763
Barb 8
401|551 10.817
Barbarian village
585|468 10.763
Barbarian village
414|533 10.684
Barbarian village
594|493 10.763
Barbarian village
418|541 10.663
Barbarian village
416|535 10.689
Barbarian village
408|537 10.673
Barbarian village
415|539 10.670
Barbarian village
413|536 10.672
Barbarian village
411|533 10.681
Display all leftover 533 villages
Personal text
"Dead in the water"

Send Rim Rat and Sam cheese_wedge

Sam was here chestnut

Richie made heidy chestnut

Mesut is the wise Pooga Prince

Jimmy was here chestnut

Victory achievements
Not on my watch

As a supporter, you defeated the most opponents on World 102.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 102 with your tribe The Mad Elements.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 18 with your tribe Apocalypse.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 107 with your tribe KEENAN!.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 115 with your tribe Damage Incorporated..

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 123 with your tribe Buff.

Daily achievements
2x Great power of the day

Conquer the most villages in this world.

Best result: on 19.06.2024 (47 villages)

7x Supporter of the day

Defeat the most units in this world as a supporter.

Best result: on 26.01.2024 (241.782 units)

Combat achievements
Death of a hero (Gold - Level 4)

While supporting other villages, lose 100.000 of your units.

Demolisher (Gold - Level 4)

Destroy 10.000 building levels using catapults.

Leader (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat a total of 20.000.000 enemy units.

Master of the Battlefield (Gold - Level 4)

Completely destroy 2.500 hostile armies.

Nobles Faith (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 500 noblemen in battle.

Reliable Commander (Gold - Level 4)

Support other players 3.000 times in battles.

Robber (Gold - Level 4)

Loot a total of 100.000.000 resources.

Scout Hunter (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 500 scouting attacks.

Successful noble claims (Gold - Level 4)

Conquer 100 claimed villages.

Wallbreaker (Gold - Level 4)

Destroy 10.000 Wall levels using your rams.

Conquest (Silver - Level 3)

Conquer a total of 500 villages.

Plunderer (Silver - Level 3)

Plunder resources from other villages 1.000 times.

Self-attack (Silver - Level 3)

Attack yourself and lose more than 1.000 units in one battle.

The Warlord (Bronze - Level 2)

Attack 25 different players

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Social achievements
The mentor (Gold - Level 4)

As a mentor, train 8 apprentices.

Brothers in Arms (Silver - Level 3)

Be a member of the same tribe for 180 consecutive days.

Beloved Friend (Bronze - Level 2)

Make a total of 15 friendships.

Growth achievements
Market Guru (Gold - Level 4)

Trade resources using the market 1.000 times.

Recruitment Drive (Gold - Level 4)

Recruit a total of 1.000.000 units!

Wealth comes in gold (Gold - Level 4)

Mint 50.000 gold coins.

Architect (Silver - Level 3)

Build a total of 5.000 building levels!

Continent scorer (Silver - Level 3)

Make it into the top 5 of a continent!

Gatherer (Silver - Level 3)

Scavenge a total of 10.000.000 resources.

Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Out of time (Bronze - Level 2)

Use the instant complete option 100 times!

Top scorer (Bronze - Level 2)

Make it into the top 100 in the world.

Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)

Complete 40 quests!

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 16)

Play Tribal Wars for 16 years.

Ancient Forge: Collector of Recipes (Gold - Level 4)

Find 40 unique recipes.

Ancient Forge: Master Smith (Gold - Level 4)

Craft 40 items.

Barricade Battle: Detective (Gold - Level 4)

Clear 100% of the stages.

Barricade Battle: Did you find him yet?

Lead the daily ranking at the end of the event day.

Barricade Battle: Predator (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 180.000 enemy units in the Barricade Battle.

Battle of the Tower: Ice Wall!

Lead the defense ranking at the end of a battle.

Battle of the Tower: New World Conqueror (Gold - Level 4)

Help your group to annex 25 sectors in the Battle of the Tower.

Battle of the Tower: Superior General!

Lead the attack ranking at the end of a battle.

Beast Mountain: Equip your hero

Equip your hero with all pieces of equipment.

Beast Mountain: Legendary equipment

Equip your hero with at least one legendary equipment.

Beast Mountain: Hunter (Silver - Level 3)

Defeat 3 beasts in the Beast of the Black Mountain event.

Card Master (Gold - Level 4)

Awarded for winning 80 rounds.

The Strategist (Gold - Level 4)

Awarded for performing 30 double changes.

Noble's Fair: The wheel keeps spinning (Gold - Level 4)

Spin the wheel 50 times.

Noble's Fair: Enjoying the Fair (Wood - Level 1)

Finish 2 activity mini-games in the Noble's fair.

Achievements on other worlds

World 123

World 125

World 115

World 119

World 107

World 102

World 126

World 133

World 135

World 120

World 124

High Performance

World 127

World 129

World 134